20081029 《台北市.中正區忠孝西路》好久不見~下午茶聚會MORITA森田牧場洋食館 3+1小聚會 室內裝潢選?烤肉食材b折中點~台北車站, “ 21世紀房屋仲介森田牧場洋食館-新光三越館前店”下午茶並不 房屋買賣貴, 用餐限兩小時,一個人229+10%沙拉吧、濃湯、飲料、蛋糕吃到飽, 住商房屋 沙拉吧選擇算多,生鮮食蔬&少部份熟食, (特別招待) 濃湯只有兩種, 而飲料我們一直?術後面膜b喝可樂, 蛋糕一次只能拿一種選擇也挺多的, 如果嫌吃不飽也可以加點主食99元, (白酒蛤蜊義大利麵) (是我?土地買賣n吃的啦!) 事實上蛋糕才是它的主打, (堤拉米蘇) 其他只算拿來填肚子用的, 甜點愛好者來這裏才值得。 話題不離彼此及舊公司現況 面膜, 景氣不像從前,但就算離開職場大家似乎過得還不賴, 所以捨得也是種重生~ 上次和約瑟芬小姐家的小恩恩見面不知是幾年前的事了, 哇~許久不見長大總是 燒烤特別快, (”刺蝟”阿姨.....) (”蚊子”阿姨.....) 才四歲的小朋友不怕生笑起來超古錐, 要離開時還會給我們溫暖的“愛的抱抱”@^ ^@, 這麼口愛看到她就會有想生的F 賣房子u~~  .

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          「主管的哲學」摘要 「主管的哲學」摘要 前言─工作的關卡,人生的關卡 日常工作中,每一件事都是一道關卡,過不了就無法再往前走。關卡的設定,毫無疑問是主管的責任,可是能夠明確指出目標的主管卻不多見!工作成為苦差事,同仁敷衍了事,原因就在此。如何解決?作者的經驗能成為各位的參考。 要訣一─築夢 確立目標是主管的責任,有了目標,才能激發同仁的鬥志。主管必須將偉大的夢想傳承下去,努力營造出讓同仁能實現夢想的環境。有夢才有使命,有了使命,自然能產生信心,成為衝破任何難?關鍵字廣告鰝滷j韌生命力。崇高偉大的夢想,也可讓同仁感受到人生的美好。 要訣二-宣示理想 要求同仁克服關卡,一定要教導他們克服之道,也就是處理工作的方式及主事者的理想、方針。方針就是「想法」+「具體目標」+「夢想」,同仁將方針牢記心頭後要讓他們自由發揮,勇往直前,加上絕對信任以求業務順利發展。 要訣三-讚美 美麗的辭藻,有口無心,漠視對方本質不是真正的讚美。相信且認同人的本質是人際關係的?關鍵字廣告琤說A能夠肯定人的本質才是真正的讚美,讚美可使同仁發揮無限的潛能,貢獻無餘。 要訣四-肯定熱忱 重視同仁的熱忱是人才培育上一件很重要的事情,如果能對過程中表現出來的熱忱加以讚美,必能讓同仁愉悅及激起幹勁。智慧、態度、作法都是從熱忱中產生出來的,有了強烈的熱忱,事情等於成功了一半。 要訣五-激發能力 主管經常提出超過同仁能力極限的要求,讓他們藉由難關的克服,不斷提升實力。人生最大的幸福,應是一生都可以 襯衫儘情發揮自己的能力,唯有如此,才能感受到為人的存在感、充實感及生存意義。 要訣六-傾聽 主管如果能仔細傾聽同仁意見,必能讓同仁產生幹勁,漸漸的得到同仁的尊敬。自己的立場、自己的面子都無所謂,最重要的是提升同仁的幹勁。突然有要事,那另當別論,只要時間允許,總要聽到同仁說完。 要訣七-適度放手 放手讓同仁去做,也是對同仁的信賴,同仁感覺到受主管信賴,才能得到滿足感及生存意義,因而萌生幹勁與熱忱,有了熱忱自然就能激發潛力。 要訣八 關鍵字行銷-不歧視 第一個通過剪票口的人,未必是第一個通過下一個剪票口的人;當時的評價並非永遠的評價,也絕對不能迷信頭銜,頭銜只是某時期,某人身上所貼的一個標籤而已,因此對任何同仁,都不要歧視。 要訣九-培育比自己優秀的人才 經營者唯一必備的條件就是能善用比自己優秀的人才並加以培育。劉邦曾說過;「運籌帷幄,吾不及軍師張良,行政吾不及宰相蕭何,指揮大軍戰無不克,吾不及將軍韓信。此三人皆人中豪傑,只因三人皆能歸我所用,方得天下也」。 要訣十-斥責之後的安撫 酒店工作 責備方式看人而定,要冷靜觀察對方,採取最適合的責備方式,更不可流於情緒,偶爾可能斥責錯誤或違反自己平常堅持的原則,要有向同仁致歉的雅量。斥責之後要設法予以安撫,交付新的工作,讓他覺得得到主管的肯定,令他感受到「原來主管是對我期望高才會罵我啊!」 要訣十一-重視閒聊 任何事情都得溝通,在平常的聊天中,讓同仁了解主管的想法和感受,灌輸自己的人生觀、工作觀,潛移默化、聲音放軟,談一些「以人為重」的哲學,積少成多,同仁將成為你的良將。 要訣十二-以身作則 先為同仁著想,其次 室內裝潢才是自己,這樣的主管才能讓同仁尊敬、學習、成長。上位者必先較同仁勞心,享樂則必須後於同仁。身為主管隨時都得作同仁的表率,隨時都得身先士卒,隨時以身作則。 要訣十三-不製造秘密 主管要創造一個沒有秘密的組織,資訊上通下達;獨占資訊會招致孤立,製造派系會妨礙資訊流通。經營必須公開,資訊攤開在陽光下,才是有尊嚴、熱愛工作的人,但同仁的隱私卻不能不顧及。 要訣十四-主動招呼 碰到任何人就主動打招呼,可以拉近彼此的距離。打招呼時不要捨去稱呼及敬語,認同同仁人格,慎選字眼,主動招呼,這樣的主管豈 租辦公室會不受尊重,同仁怎會不全心投注於工作呢! 要訣十五-看著同仁講話 和人談話時,必定注視著對方的眼睛,才能了解對方的想法、反應,決定該說什麼話,讓他正確了解自己的想法,也因此才能傳達自己的「話意」,進而了解彼此的心情,感受彼此的心聲。 要訣十六-說明「為什麼」 模糊的指示無法得到認同,更無法帶動同仁。一定要說明「為什麼」才行。「為什麼要進行這項工作」、「為什麼要你來做」,這些都務必要讓同仁了解,他們也才會確實做好工作。 要訣十七-訴說 要讓同仁了解必須不斷地說,一貫的理念要鍥而不捨地強烈的訴說才能打進同仁的?西服葚怴C人生與經營都不是賭博,永遠擇善固執,公理與社會正義都是為人處事的基本原則,經常訴說這些真理,組織必能茁壯。 要訣十八-對同仁常存感激之心 成功是靠同仁支持,同心協力奮鬥的成果,因此主管要常存感謝的心。妄尊自大有多愚蠢;裝腔作勢,自以為了不起的行徑有多輕薄,這些都是停滯不前的原因。 要訣十九-不必在意女性同仁的性別 以前男性社會是靠力氣工作的時代,如今進入資訊時代,女性靠智慧,不要再認為能力會有性別的差異。大家都能面對目標同心協力時,該部門自然會形成和諧開朗的氣氛。肯定女性特質,激發其才能,為同仁的幸福設想應該是主管重要的使命。 東森房屋 要訣二十-掌握運氣 經常自認運氣比人強,能以更樂觀、積極的態度面對,相信好運自然會隨之而來。自己如果不能肯定自己,那還有誰會肯定你呢?自己如果不相信自己的能力,那還有誰會認同你呢?自認運氣好,才會努力以赴,開朗就是好運的根源! 結論-心性上必須有所成長 身為主管者更應從宏觀角度收集資訊,提出新的智慧、創意,並灌輸給同仁才行,也才能跟上超高速時代的速度。仁厚、廉潔、誠實、素直的人格靠自己努力修養而成,有人性的主管才是理想的主管。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買屋  .

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          (土城) 三個月大的虎斑台灣犬 (公) ~~ 又聰明又帥唷! 名字:嘟嘟 性別:小男生 年齡:約3個月 居酒屋 房地產外貌:虎斑紋台灣犬 體型: 永慶房屋約5公斤 胃口:不挑食, 飼料OK, 一天二餐 個?賣屋吽G聰明,親人,有點黏人 **************************************** 健 燒烤康報告 已完成第一劑預防針 **************************************** 希望領養人是能真心疼愛牠 售屋網的家庭,請詳細閱讀下列認養條件, 經過周詳考慮,不要因一時衝動而來。 牠需要照料,且至少與你 有十幾年的緣份,就像家 酒肉朋友人一樣 所以, 1. 愛牠一輩子、在家不關籠子、出門為牠繫牽繩,不讓牠再度流浪街頭。 2. 需徵得全家人同意,將來不會為了搬家、出國、結婚、生 澎湖民宿子等問題而拋棄牠, 更不可因為年老、生病而遺棄牠,也確定家中無過敏體質者。 3. 同意在牠滿六個月大時, 帶去結紮 4. 以後每年皆須定時打一次預防針、每個月固定吃心絲蟲預防藥?結婚西裝C 5. 認養後請務必撥冗連絡,讓我們陸續知道狗狗的狀況, 俾能安心再去救助其他狗狗... 認養專線:02-2268-1294, 0937-835775 寶媽 http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=25876 租辦公室3  .

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          U.N. says global population to hit 7 billion in early 2012 U.N. says global population to hit 7 billion 代償in early 2012As o 西裝f 7:41 p.m. CDT http://www.yahoo.com/ 好房網 Mar 11 2009 Like Chinese said "0.Curse.Sin.7.Yo", therefo 買屋re, China Communist slaves must have to do your duty to kill 3 billion world wi 情趣用品de population before 2012 to make sure Chinese must have to always keep 1/4 percentage population in this earth. 關鍵字排名 That must mean when Chinese decrease 1 person, you China Communist Rebel must have to do your duty to hire the best snipers 烤肉食材to kill 4 persons overseas.If you China Communist lack of the guts to do the duty to kill, then the rest of the world must have to make self-defense to nuc 租屋lear Mainland China, India, and USA(Especially USA must have to gone so that U.N. must lose its ground to suck.) to make sure they can have enough natural resource to keep 租房子 human form population under control in order to get a decent life in this earth. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋二胎  .

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          You are in deep trouble Taiwan You need to do your best to recall Taiwanese Chinese back to Taiwan, do not think you can dig gold in poor Mainland Chinese slave mind. If you do, you can expect miserable life. Tell all Taiwanese unless they are willing t 宜蘭民宿o kiss China communist ass, otherwise they must not go to Mainland China. It is a complete dragon down to all side if you are stupid bad ugly evil to undermind under ARMANIground chained slavery terrorist sucks. You need to know Mainland China not like US wild wild west to allow every one can have the freedom to take gun to shoot, therefore, the undertable, be 術後面膜hind door's horrible fight must be out of our imaginable doubt; USA wild wild west fight may help to sharply reduce the population evil doers amount, Mainland China underground chained slavery terrorist dr 租房子agon down can only produce more out of mankind monsters showed up resulted Chinese "Lyell.Be.Chu.Liang.Be" to give underground chained more available stupid bad ugly evil doers to get into their hells, if you TAiwanese not take action 烤肉食材 immediately to help close the Mainland China's door now, you will have no chance to deal with it once the problem certainly appear in fornt of your eyes. To help all of you to have better chance to get better future life, you must demand any one 買屋網 who loves money more than your country staying in his or her own private place, must not be allowed to seat in any government office; anyone who loves money more than your country must not be allowed to attend your college. You take high education must because you want to ha 設計裝潢ve more intelligent to service your self, service your community, service your country to help yourself and help as many as people you can to have a better future lifes, you don't love to service, you don't need to have brain cell, you better just farm in your own private farm freely to li 裝潢ve and to wait for the time to die, it is better for yourself's next life and better for the rest of your people's next life. To take the job working in government or to take time to accept high college education, you must love simple decent life not to live wasteful life like manyyour stupid bad ugly evil no 褐藻醣膠nsense civilians may have had showed off. If you like colorful wasteful style, you must not occupy public office seat, you must not waste public land or tax payers's money to occupy college students's spots.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買房子  .

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          麻辣天后宮:明星夫妻最無法忍受的事(2/5) 20100114 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WURL5jb-0UM&NR=1 At 4:48/9:26"Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must not be allowed to give birth (To be a mom is a woman's most heavy duty, yet a woman given birth must be stupid or evil, therefore, mom must not be allowed to give any "Yan.教" to kid [That how suck that "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" showed giving her sucking order to slave her own son, using her dirty hands to criminal her own son instead of acting like a real brave bitch to bark all those cold cold hard shameless selfish male dressed animals that playing on that MarJohn table inside her house in front o 會場佈置f her son to get out of her home. That how the Holy Ghost made me to send my First daughter to be boarding her baby sister home, because evil doer JungShiauLin made my first daugher's home his business office because he's too poor to afford to have a office out of that home; that made my first daugher's real mom lost her right to act like a bitch under that officed roof. That may explain how come you must not allow anyone to build any home under the same roof of any office. That how only the homeless mother can have right to send her 長灘島own child to live along with the baby sister owned home, because that baby sister obviously wiser and stronger than that baby's real mom, because that baby sister can have her husband mankind enough to guard her right to own her own place to sit, to be that master inside her own house to own her absolute right to act like a bitch inside her own house to guard the young children must needed peaceful quiet life.], mom can only do whatever the kid wants her to do, mom can only do whatever she wants her kid to do before her child turning to Teen; after her child turnin 租屋網g 13, she has to do whatever she can to control herself from doing too much for her child [However, mom still needs to do whatever her son wants her to do as long as her son is a virgin man and still live inside her own house; if her son lost his own virgin, no matter her son like or dislike, she has to order her son to leave her house to make a living by himself, a non-virgin son must not be allowed to live with his own mother, must not be allowed to slave his own mother any more. Because non-virgin man must have to service a woman younger than him and loved or cared by him truly. Onl 術後面膜y virgin man can have right to service every woman equally except his own mother; because his own mother must be always that strong woman for her own son, therefore, son must not ever service his own mother inside her own house, son can only do something to help <Because out of her own house, his mom lost her stronghold, no longer strong enough to be that strong woman to do whatever she likes like she can do inside her own master house site.> his mom when she is company him out of her own house. Because inside her own house, she is that house master, house master must be that strong woman, strong woman mus seot not ever be serviced by anyone younger than her except that younger than her is her lawful body guard.], she has to keep all her care inside herside not to bother her child to offend her child's freedom, not to offend her child's free will, not to offend her child's free mind. It is a heavy crime for any woman to give more than one birth, that how evil doer JungShiauLin made me have more than one births; the Ghost watched it happening, because my first child is a daughter, my second child is a daughter also, to raise a daughter is far less burden than to raise a son, because daughter will be like her mother sooner o 景觀設計r later, not if but when, therefore, good woman's daughter must be a good woman if the society is the same good like the mother has, therefore, if my daughters not good like me, you have no right to blame my daughters, you have to blame USA; the reason I can have right to give birth to my second daughter, because it's my First Daughter's will, she asking me to give her a sister, God did the same to Adam, therefore, a mom can give birth only because it is her child's will, and that mother must be a stupid mom, must not be a evil mom, because evil mom can tool her child to lie for her; I can have right to give the birth to my son, becasue i 西裝t's the Holy Ghost will, because in order to tool me to send message to you, the Holy Ghost must have to need me to take this heavy duty to raise a son. Therefore, except me, any woman given more than one birth, must wish to die rather sooner than later, the sooner she dies, the less deep less dark she can ended down; the less deep the less dark she can ended down, the higher level her children can ended up, because parents must always end lower than their children; that how my parents died young. That how Plato said had words mentioning " orphans are at the mercy of chance" [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato], what Plato did not tell is : Parent or parents of any unde 賣房子r aged kid, must not be allowed to be teacher, that means any parent must not be allowed to teach, unless that parent can have unshakeable evidence showed that she or he already raised a best mankind son good enough to be every young man's role model ) , because "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is all liar (Liar must be abuser, abuser must be shameless lawless Godless how low not ever say no, not if but when, therefore, must not be allowed to own any authority, not be allowed to have anything to do with money, power, sex. Not mention to be parent. That's why "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must be the lowest class of you the powerless people; that how you have to kill any governemnt office that showing any bit of seo crime of lie, that how you need to do your duty to kill any lair who is richer, more powerful than you, no matter that richer, on staged showing the sign of power is politician or "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay".) , those who born by "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" or raised by "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must be concentrate camped their entire life, they must not be allowed to work for anyone but jailed inside a garden house the rest of the life. You need to kill all "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" couple who ever given birth. Because every man and woman must die sooner or later, "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" lost virgin must rather die sooner than later.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 術後面膜  .

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          Vatican Therefore, I realized how come the Vatican can have that great good will and strength to make so many man form to keep their virgin to the end. Because the virgin man can have the right to stay in the between to choose any virgin young man alive body compitable to their mind to make up their unfinished good will or evil ambition (That may explain how come you human form must do all you can to bl 租屋ock anyone from having any more kid, because you have no problem to have the evil doer to get eviler to finish their evilest; you unlikely to get the better to have the good to ride on to reach to that best goal. That may explain how come only Holy Ghost can have the chance to get this message out, because Holy G 情趣用品host not belong to any single personal.) directly instead of being forced to be brought up into this earth again. That may explain how come Holy Ghost chosen compitable to me to be their messanger after March 20, 2006, because none of them can have the naive to passed that "4.Ink.Yo.Goods" path that I proved throughly achieved. How I figure 婚禮佈置d out this point, I don't know, I only remember before I figured out this point, I first recalled that I have pointed to you that mad cow caused by fed something that messed up with any bit or drip of meat ingredient like shit worm, then, I figured out how Chinese could know which wild leave eatable to human form by bringing a shit worm to try the leave f seoirst (They first tried to get some quantity of fresh leaves on hands, then trying to find out any available shit worms to place on those leaves in a closed small boxed like cage to see how those shit worms ended up; that how they accidently found out the rice eatable because they were trying to see if that leaves eatable, then, noticed that small rice grain can automatically have sma 會場佈置ll insect come out of that seed, kind like you can see the baby bird out of the egg, therefore, they tried to eat that grains instead of that leaves; therefore, you may explain how come chicken and duck and bird likely eat grains, but you must not feed your cow <That may explain how come that Mr.Lee artificially named Angus Tung, and given his wife or ex-wife "Sue.Show.Nun" the last Name "Rice" - Condi 花蓮民宿Rice##Notice: the video showed in "哈拉??? 如?如歌的童安格 http://tieba.baidu.com/%E7%AB%A5%E5%AE%89%E6%A0%BC/shipin/play/5290c0ffe9ee54b634efba8c/ " mentioned '常青樹 變色龍' linked to Long-Nun; vegetable-青菜-蔡琴-戴素青-'秀色.Curse.餐'-蘇秀蘭; in that video also mentioned "Golf-'高.Are.Fool.' '絲'-蠶絲 to match '蠶.10'-'秀色.Curse.餐' to eat invisibly, also mentioned '毛毛蟲& 小型辦公室#39; that combine 餐 and long linked to 張毛毛, 張崇芳-晚餐-晚飯-米飯-Rice-'毛飯' sounding like Chinese called 'Rest room' that Taiwan hotel rented the room shortly for couple to have sex; also mention the worm swallowed inside Angus Tung's mouth invisibly left an invisibly connection between Angus Tung and his first wife or his first ex-wife 蘇秀蘭 to double confirm Condi Rice is his 偶斷'絲'連 spouse ##, to tell you tha 買屋t he has to become mad cow@@That may explain how come man must not have sex with Strong woman, not mention those fake strong woman or fake man, or gay. If he does, he must have to get the disease worse than those mad cow showed in front of man's eyes.@@ after forced to fed the materials messed up with Rice.>with those rice linked grains.) , if the shit worm can eat, then that wild leave must be tasteful to human form body, that may explain how come there 土地買賣9;s no shit worm be able growing out of cow and horse shit but human form shit. That may explain how come the shit worm not ever be able to grow up out of any meat only animals.  That may explain how come when you feed the pig any vegie, you have to cooked that vegie throughly to make sure no shit worm may be alive hiding inside vegie invisibly. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 21世紀房屋仲介  .

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          激情過後 女人想再溫存 男人想吃 美國一項研究發現,做過愛以後?負債整合: 賣屋1px">蜜桃之心做愛an>A男女的需求大不同。男人會想吃 房地產點東西,女人則希望再溫存一下。 美國歐布萊特學院的心理學教授休絲 房屋二胎調查發現,男人經過一場激情以後,會特別想動動嘴。不過,他們動嘴是要抽根煙、吃點東 關鍵字排名西或是喝杯咖啡。不是要跟女伴聊聊。 休絲說,以往大家研究過做愛前和做愛中的男女行為。但是做愛後行為的研 關鍵字排名究卻付之闕如。 他說,根據他的調查,一番雲雨以後,女性多半喜歡跟男伴聊一聊繼續耳鬢廝磨一陣子。男性如果也想跟女伴說說話則表示,他還?房屋出租Q繼續第二回合。 推薦網站:台中汽車借款,台中胎毛筆,台中肚臍印章,台中派報公司,台中機車借款,台中借錢,台中當舖,高雄汽車借款,高雄汽車當舖,高雄當舖 591  .

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          藉由毒奶粉事件, 大家反而可以得到正確的知識, 繼而改變自己及下一代, 下下一代...的飲食習慣! ?《了悟健康》  http://www.loveoceancreative. com/books/health/index_ch.htm ?佳評如潮 .提升身體、心理、靈性層面健康的方法, 符合當前國人之健康需求。 -中華民國環境職業醫學會秘書長 陳俊傑博士 ..對作者的慈悲心、學識的淵博和智慧的高深, 真是十萬分的崇敬。 -台中中山醫 有巢氏房屋學大學醫學研究所客座教授 呂鋒洲教授 .A+級的健康寶典,讓更多人有機會掌握到身心靈平衡的竅門。 -全球華人防癌長鏈倡導人 梅襄陽醫師 .持戒(包含不殺生)不但有益身體健康長壽, 而且還能擁有健康快樂的人生。 -三軍總醫院副教授兼婦產部主任醫師 陳惟華醫師  芝麻是最佳鈣質補充來源 - 太平洋房屋---- Original Message ----- 藉由毒奶粉事件, 大家反而可以得到正確的知識, 繼而改變自己及下一代, 下下一代...的飲食習慣! ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- 打開報章雜誌,電視廣播,眼所見,耳所聞,廣告中不斷教導大眾, 酒店兼職 多喝牛奶攝取足量鈣質,可以杜絕骨骼疏鬆, 這種耳熟能詳的廣告辭, 早已為『蛋白質、鈣質及牛奶缺乏會導致骨質疏鬆症的恐慌者』 奉為圭皋, 坦白說,每當後學對醫學研究報告讀得越多越仔細越深入後, 越感到誇大不實,虛偽廣告對眾生的殘害。 以訛傳訛,錯誤觀念,所謂專家一言九鼎的信條,也只是扭曲事實, 牛奶及其他乳類製品(包括乳酪、奶油、冰淇 關鍵字廣告淋、肉類等)飲食中 含有高量(高濃度)的蛋白質,乃是造成骨質中鈣質大量流失元凶。 素食者倘若蛋白質攝取過量,也會造成骨質軟化, 只是植物性蛋白質較動物性蛋白質,對骨骼有保護作用, 其中理由乃是牛奶,乳類製品,肉類, 蛋,魚類, 除了蛋白質外,還有其他會促成骨質疏鬆症的因素- 就是酸性物質比例太高 ! 為了保持血液酸鹼平衡,維持弱鹼性,骨質必然要游離 關鍵字廣告 (所謂抽取)更多的鈣質,以達成目標。  在此特別提醒素食者及素食者父母,以目前台灣蛋白質平均攝取量, 均屬過剩之慮, 絕無缺乏之憂,千萬不要擔憂自己或孩子沒有足夠蛋白質, 為了安撫這種偏差心理,進而加倍給自己或孩子補充大量牛奶, 優酪乳,奶酪及蛋。 請記得,得自乳製品額外的蛋白質,勢必造成鈣質及其他礦物質, 流失體外之傾向,造成身體負性鈣平衡。除了大量蛋白質攝取, 租屋 會造成骨質沖刷外流外,缺乏運動,停經,喝汽水,可樂 (碳酸,磷質含量太高),吃加工精製垃圾食物,過量的鹽 及其他酸性食物,均為骨質疏鬆症的致病因素。  長期的腰酸背痛,疲倦,骨頭酸軟無力,牙齒鬆動,齒齦退縮, 容易扭傷,閃腰,骨折‥‥代表骨質中鈣質及其他礦物質之流失, 此刻應當重新檢討我們的飲食,減少蛋白質,魚肉類, 乳類製品攝取,以便重建真正的健康。 人類鈣質缺乏,導因於人類飲食中攝取鈣 節能燈具質不足者,極為有限。 攝取蛋白質越多,骨質中流失的鈣質也越多。血液中鈣的濃度, 不能代表骨骼鈣質流失的程度。保持體內鈣質正性平衡, 維持骨骼硬朗, 根本政策-改變飲食內容,減少每天攝取蛋白質的量, 卻不是增加鈣質之攝取。 以下內容為該期刊資料,提供你參考。 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 這份瑞典的研究針對6萬名38~76歲婦女,連續追蹤13年, 結果發現每天飲用4杯以上乳製品的的婦女 開幕活動, 罹患漿液性卵巢癌的機會比每日喝2杯的人要多出兩倍。  一天2杯以上的人, 罹患卵巢癌機會是較少喝或沒喝乳製品婦女的一倍。 研究者推論,可能是牛奶中的乳糖刺激荷爾蒙生成,引發腫瘤增生。 已有不少研究發現, 大量攝取乳製品可能增加罹患卵巢癌和攝護腺癌風險。 以前畜牧業以野外放牧方式為主,牛羊們一年到頭在戶外吃草, 隨著野外放牧時間減少,吃野草機會減少,曝曬日光機會縮短, 維生素D合成量減低,所製成的奶油,在質及維生素D含量上, 皆 有巢氏房屋隨著顏色褪去而減少, 最後製乳業者只得添加色素及放射性D以補其不足。 在醫學界及公共衛生學家們,對全世界做廣泛研究後, 顯示骨質疏鬆症最常見之國家為美國,英國,瑞典,芬蘭, 他們也正是乳類製品消耗最多量的國家。 相對地,骨質疏鬆症極少見於乳製品消耗量最低的國家, 如亞洲及非洲。 素食足以提供人體全部的養份 並且更容易為人體消化吸收利用 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 小型辦公室  .

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