Vatican Therefore, I realized how come the Vatican can have that great good will and strength to make so many man form to keep their virgin to the end. Because the virgin man can have the right to stay in the between to choose any virgin young man alive body compitable to their mind to make up their unfinished good will or evil ambition (That may explain how come you human form must do all you can to bl 租屋ock anyone from having any more kid, because you have no problem to have the evil doer to get eviler to finish their evilest; you unlikely to get the better to have the good to ride on to reach to that best goal. That may explain how come only Holy Ghost can have the chance to get this message out, because Holy G 情趣用品host not belong to any single personal.) directly instead of being forced to be brought up into this earth again. That may explain how come Holy Ghost chosen compitable to me to be their messanger after March 20, 2006, because none of them can have the naive to passed that "4.Ink.Yo.Goods" path that I proved throughly achieved. How I figure 婚禮佈置d out this point, I don't know, I only remember before I figured out this point, I first recalled that I have pointed to you that mad cow caused by fed something that messed up with any bit or drip of meat ingredient like shit worm, then, I figured out how Chinese could know which wild leave eatable to human form by bringing a shit worm to try the leave f seoirst (They first tried to get some quantity of fresh leaves on hands, then trying to find out any available shit worms to place on those leaves in a closed small boxed like cage to see how those shit worms ended up; that how they accidently found out the rice eatable because they were trying to see if that leaves eatable, then, noticed that small rice grain can automatically have sma 會場佈置ll insect come out of that seed, kind like you can see the baby bird out of the egg, therefore, they tried to eat that grains instead of that leaves; therefore, you may explain how come chicken and duck and bird likely eat grains, but you must not feed your cow <That may explain how come that Mr.Lee artificially named Angus Tung, and given his wife or ex-wife "Sue.Show.Nun" the last Name "Rice" - Condi 花蓮民宿Rice##Notice: the video showed in "哈拉??? 如?如歌的童安格 " mentioned '常青樹 變色龍' linked to Long-Nun; vegetable-青菜-蔡琴-戴素青-'秀色.Curse.餐'-蘇秀蘭; in that video also mentioned "Golf-'高.Are.Fool.' '絲'-蠶絲 to match '蠶.10'-'秀色.Curse.餐' to eat invisibly, also mentioned '毛毛蟲& 小型辦公室#39; that combine 餐 and long linked to 張毛毛, 張崇芳-晚餐-晚飯-米飯-Rice-'毛飯' sounding like Chinese called 'Rest room' that Taiwan hotel rented the room shortly for couple to have sex; also mention the worm swallowed inside Angus Tung's mouth invisibly left an invisibly connection between Angus Tung and his first wife or his first ex-wife 蘇秀蘭 to double confirm Condi Rice is his 偶斷'絲'連 spouse ##, to tell you tha 買屋t he has to become mad cow@@That may explain how come man must not have sex with Strong woman, not mention those fake strong woman or fake man, or gay. If he does, he must have to get the disease worse than those mad cow showed in front of man's eyes.@@ after forced to fed the materials messed up with Rice.>with those rice linked grains.) , if the shit worm can eat, then that wild leave must be tasteful to human form body, that may explain how come there 土地買賣9;s no shit worm be able growing out of cow and horse shit but human form shit. That may explain how come the shit worm not ever be able to grow up out of any meat only animals.  That may explain how come when you feed the pig any vegie, you have to cooked that vegie throughly to make sure no shit worm may be alive hiding inside vegie invisibly. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 21世紀房屋仲介  .

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